A podcast for the therian community by members of the therian community. Discussions range from navigating everyday life, therianthropy through spiritual and psychological lenses, experiences and impacts of therianthropy on an individual’s life, really horrible puns and word play, community news and events, and more! Contact the crew at WereAreWePodcast@gmail.com, and if you’d like to support us on Patreon, check us out at https://www.patreon.com/WereAreWe

Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Sneppurrsode 23 - Still alive? Still alive!
Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Sneppurrsode 23 Summary
It's been a while since we've posted some content but... well, Were still here!
In this "slice of life" sneppurrsode, the cast members discuss what they've been up to for the last year (or so?), while gaining some momentum to get back into the groove of recording more and engaging in shenanigans and meowlarky. Blayz puts new technical magical skills to use to help give our borks and maows and stuff a cleaner finish, too! (Make sure to give him some love, folks - editing is a LOT of work!)
In the second portion of the sneppurrsode, we invite attendee AmarisWolf to discuss the 2024 VA Howl. The crew discusses howl dynamics can shift from one year to the next, giving a broader view of howl Howls howl. I mean, uh, how they can feel. X3Total runtime: 01:02:40
Special Guests
AmarisWolf (Discord: amariswolf)
Recurring Cast
BearX, Blackpaws, Blayz, Bluewolf, TigerAcolyte, Zefer Nezumi
Other Stuff
Suggestions for topics? Want to share some feedback? Wanna be a guest for a topic? Contact the WereAreWe crew at werearewepodcast@gmail.com
Wanna suppurrt the crew? Check out our patreon page! https://www.patreon.com/WereAreWe
Audio Editor
#therian #therianthropy #therianpodcast

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Sneppurrsode 22 - The Hairy Hairy Caterkiller
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Sneppurrsode 22 Summary
The VA Howl 2022 took place in October of 2022. Look at all those 22s! Why did it take Zef 22 months to get this thing edited? Yikes! It's not even a 22 year any more...
Join members of the crew and additional cattendees as they discuss the various antics that ensued over the course of the event. And no, this one doesn't sound remotely like any of the other Howl recordings thus far. Is that a good thing, or bad? The world may never know!...
We laughed. We cried! From a caterpillar, we nearly died.
Something something, forbidden cucumber jumps of doom.
At any rate, this is just about the most chaotic and ADHD-infused sneppursode to date. Download, listen, enjoy! Then, of course, subscribe and leave a little heart thingamajig and maybe some critter noises.
There's more TURKEYS than you can shake a TURKEY at!
Total runtime: 01:33:37
Special Guests
Hashna (Telegram: Hashna), Obreeon (Telegram: sassymanedwolf)
Recurring Cast
Blackpaws, Bluewolf, OrangeYote, TigerAcolyte, Turkeys
Other Stuff
Suggestions for topics? Want to share some feedback? Wanna be a guest for a topic? Contact the WereAreWe crew at werearewepodcast@gmail.com
Wanna suppurrt the crew? Check out our patreon page! https://www.patreon.com/WereAreWe
Zef OWo
#therian #therianthropy #therianpodcast

Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Sneppurrsode 21 - Be Leafin’ Yourself
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Sneppurrsode 21 Summary
What have critters been up to? As a therian, what's it like to be an expecting purrent? What's it like to be a therian who's a new homeowner? Did your brain purrnounce "homeowner" with an emphasis on the MEOW?
Answers to all these questions but one will be revealed during the recording!
This sneppurrsode contains audio shenanigans, purroject updates, uplifting purrspectives, self-depurrcating humor and more table legs than you can shake a stick at!
... Wait, "stick?" *runs after*
Pseudo time stamps!
[0:00:18] Chaos and derp. We didn't even actually make it past the intro this time... Meh, OrangeWolf introduces the first sneppurrsode of the podcast for the twenty-first time! Then there's some random nonsense that devolves into sheer bunny business.
[0:03:05] TigerAcolyte talks life updates and may or may not fall victim to Sibeling rivalry antics while discussing tiger behaviors and how they might tie in with supurr secret life stuff!
[0:09:18] BlackPaws shares some of his own recent life adventures (including a moment of what might even be self-acceptance!) before sort of being given the choice between fox den repairs and escape room-esque hidey holes.
[0:22:12] Blayz discusses chewing on textbooks (and maybe Windex? nah, that's later on...), updates to his writing purrocess, visual design, pawblishing estimates and an open application for fanboys. RSVP! XP
[0:32:14] BlueAwoo borks for a bit about his own life changes and current course load, continued spiritual and social endeavors, the gut feeling that 2023 will be less of a train wreck once the UFOs and mythical beasts calm down a bit, and prospects of setting Zef on fire.
[0:40:11] Zef's life is the train wreck, tho! Or was, and hopefully isn't now, maybe. The OrangeWolf talks about the loss of a feline friend, trying to transform bad situations into positive outcomes, recurring rain sticks and healing versus restoration.
[0:50:11] Discussions of purrsonal growth continue amongst crew members, culminating into a message about purrseverance that could be uplifting but ended up being the sneppurrsode title instead.
[0:55:44] The crew recaps some upcoming sneppurrsode topics and outlines some goals for 2023; will the VA Howl recordings from 2022 be released? Will we chat with critters about purrenting? Neurodiversity? Social media? Blayz' fan club? Who knows! But we're gonna do the things, dangit! X3
[1:01:17] Once we hit the hour mark, things just get weird and cats grabbing tongues devolves into lingual lolligagging. Good thing Zef doesn't control the soundy bits, amirite?!
]1:04:50] Final thoughts and comments from the crew!
[1:10:27] An attempt at letting people know about our Patreon! If you'd like to suppurrt us directly, give it a check! Much thanks!
Total runtime: 01:11:32
Recurring Cast
BearX(?), Blackpaws, Blayz, Bluewolf, TigerAcolyte
Sneppurrsode Links (these should open in a new window!)
Wanna suppurrt the crew? Check out our patreon page! https://www.patreon.com/WereAreWe
Other Stuff
Suggestions for topics? Want to share some feedback? Wanna be a guest for a topic? Contact the WereAreWe crew at werearewepodcast@gmail.com
Zef OWo
#therian #therianthropy #therianpodcast

Monday Oct 17, 2022
Derpisode 20 - Rrroll out the Rrroleplay!
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Derpisode 20 Summary
The crew meets to discuss the topic of roleplay in the #therian community! Is it just for fun? For self-expression? A medium for shenanigans? Something misunderstood even within the commewnity? Discussion and purrspectives ensue!
Wolfwing joins the crew and leads in with purrsonal history with roleplay and how it relates to the therian experience. We discuss various types of roleplay and observed within the community, ponder what it may look like to an outsider, discuss how we feel when a non-therian roleplays as an animal, and more!
Pseudo time stamps!
[0:00:30] Chaos and derp begin. As mewsual, we didn't get far past the intro song. x.x
[0:01:45] Blayz breaks in to the segment on roleplaying by introducing Wolfwing.
[0:49:45] Blue talks smack, a cats vs. dogs things happen, Zef gets canceled for purricanes and not Coyote-ing enough.
[0:51:15] A discussion on tabletop gaming and expression ensues.
[1:02:45] Commewnity news segment begins with discussion of a new prospective Illinois Howl in the USA.
[1:03:50] NaNoWriMo tidbits and borks.
[1:07:36] Therianthropy Day vs. Wolfenoot (pick your side nao, folks! XP) NO HATE, ONLY SNOOT BOOPS
[1:13:30] BearX discusses the recent Subcultured video "Why Are Furries Misunderstood?" and the crew discusses Furscience a bit!
Total runtime: 01:17:06
Recurring Cast
BearX, Blackpaws, Blayz, Bluewolf, TigerAcolyte
Wolfwing - reach out on Discord at wolfwing#2163
Sneppurrsode Links (these should open in a new window!)
Illinois Howl (Spring 2023):
Reach out to WolfThing#7777 on Discord. TG members may also use the following link:
Therian-Guide members may also join the discussion via the following link!
NaNoWriMo month official site:
Wolfenoot official site:
Subcultured "Why Are Furries Misunderstood?" video:
Other Stuff
Suggestions for topics? Want to share some feedback? Wanna be a guest for a topic? Contact the WereAreWe crew at werearewepodcast@gmail.com
Wanna suppurrt the crew? Check out our patreon page! https://www.patreon.com/WereAreWe

Monday Aug 29, 2022
Sneppurrsode 19 - New Howl Smell!
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Sneppurrsode Summary
The crew meets to catch up on the last few months of shenanigans, hear about BlackPaws' adventures in the Pacific Northwest Howl, set the stage for the upcoming VA Howl, to try to cancel cancel culture in the therian community, to ban Zef from having a rain stick, and more!
Zef then interviews the host of the recent New Jersey Howl (TK) to help listeners hear more Howl experiences, get insights from a first-time Howl host, and give food for thought to future attendees and hosts alike!
Blayz follows up with some information about our upcoming Therianthropy Through Time and Role Playing segments, the crew discusses some community outreach points, then a few community efforts are brought up for those who are interested!
Skip to 00:13:20 if you want to hear about BlackPaws' PNW summary!
At 00:28:45, you can hear the interview between Zef and TK!
01:03:08 is when the crew starts to talk about upcoming segments (including information about polls for the Role Play discussion and information about the times in human history our next Therianthropy Through Time segment will focus on)!
01:19:30 is when the crew starts to talk about art and Zef brings up the upcoming Sketchtember event!
01:23:23 is when Zef promotes a few community efforts, including a discord server for dragon and reptile kin as well as a music album release from community member Syamori!
Runtime is 01:26:05
- ZN
Recurring Cast
Blackpaws, Blayz, Bluewolf, TigerAcolyte, Zefer Nezumi
Returning Guest
TK - message on Discord at TK#7943
Sneppurrsode Links
Ways to find more stuff from Syamori!
The Sketchtember link on Therian-Guide
The Virginia Howl 2022 thread at Therian-Guide
The Roleplay Poll on Therian-Guide
Visit the Dragon's Peak Discord server!
Other Stuff
Suggestions for topics? Want to share some feedback? Wanna be a guest for a topic? Contact the WereAreWe crew at werearewepodcast@gmail.com
Blayz and Zef

Tuesday May 03, 2022
Sneppurrsode 18 - Whose Haikus? Blue’s Haikus!
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Zef and BlueWolf discuss two pieces of media content suggestions other therians may find enjoyable as BlackPaws picks their brains and TigerAcolyte noms their ears.
Blue regrettably says he doesn't like Haikus. TA doesn't share his cinnamon rolls. Both are sus.
The crew engages in a few slice-of-life discussions, touches topics of self-expression through writing and other avenues, and it's finally TA's turn to get the podcast canceled.
Over the course of the sneppurrsode, various community purrojects are discussed. The deadline for a few purrojects (including the New Jersey 2022 Howl) are in the near future, so we're hoping you'll sniff about at the things that sound interesting to you! Check out the links below!
If you check out either of the books we mention this episode and you'd like to be involved in a deeper discussion on either in a future sneppurrsode, drop a line at WereAreWePodcast@gmail.com!
Remember to reach out if you have suggestions for topics, want to share some feedback, or just kinda feel like it!
- OW
Brilliant White Peaks Book/ Audiobook
Werewolf’s 15 Minutes Audiobook
New Jersey 2022 Howl (21+)
Organizer's Discord: TK#7943
WereList: https://www.werelist.net/showthread.php?36530-NJ-Howl-May-2022
Therian-Guide: https://forums.therian-guide.com/Thread-NJ-May-Howl-2022
Serious Therianthropy Discussion Chat (Next Event - May 14, 2022)
Therian-Guide: https://forums.therian-guide.com/Thread-Serious-Therianthropy-Discussion-Chats-Hosted-by-The-Werelist
Cheetah Chirps Podcast
Podbean: https://www.podbean.com/pa/pbblog-xnhy4-b2d73d
Therian-Guide: https://forums.therian-guide.com/Thread-Cheetah-Chirps-podcast
Email: cheetahchirpspodcast@gmail.com
Therian Bedtime Stories Podcast
Podbean: https://www.podbean.com/pa/pbblog-pj583-ab34f5
Therian-Guide: https://forums.therian-guide.com/Thread-Therian-Bedtime-Stories-Podcast-Community-Project
E-mail: therians4live@gmail.com

Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Sneppurrsode 17: That’s What the Fox Said
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
What did the fox say? That he's not a fox, of course! Except for if he is...
It's complicated, maybe?
Join the WAW crew in exploring BlackPaws' journey since joining the therian community in the days of AHWW.
What's it like to have others validate your therianthropy when you have self-doubt? How can self-doubt impact someone and their path to self-discovery? We cover this and much more!
Reach out to BlackPaws on Discord at BlackPaws#8743
BP's journal at TG:
CheetahChirps new eppurrsode on Podbean: https://www.podbean.com/ea/pb-6xazm-11a9d08
Threads for PNW Howl (Washington state, USA)
Werelist: https://www.werelist.net/showthread.php?36528-NW-Howl-2022-Washington-state-July-28-August-1st
Serious Therianthropy Discussion Chat thread:
TG: new threads are created each event.
Check out the 2022 art contest, held on the Therian Territory discord server!
Congratulations to Oak for furst place! ^^
Suggestions for topics? Want to share some feedback? Wanna be a guest for a topic? Contact the WereAreWe crew at werearewepodcast@gmail.com
Feel free to leave Secret Doggo some love for her singing skills, too!
- OrangeWolf

Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Sneppurrsode 16 - Don‘ Dis Dissociation!
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Happy Howlydays!
The WAW crew is joined live by CallistoWolf, TherianofFour ("ToF") to discuss personal dissociative experiences. What are they? Is there a difference between therianthropic and non-therianthropic dissociative events? What is the relationship between an individual and their theriotype if they have these experiences? Are the experiences good, bad, or somewhere in between?
BearX and Blayz discuss their interviews with Azi Mexywolf and "Bob" on the topic, helping to give a better idea of the range of dissociative experiences that may be present in the therian community.
Blayz also takes some time to discuss Kyra's "Therian Territory" Discord server. Give the server a look if it sounds like your kind of place to hang! Link provided below.
A special thanks to the members of the therian community who sent in audio clips with well-wishes for the howlyday season! These are scattered throughout the sneppurrsode - and, for an added bonus from Badgie, stay tuned after the sneppurrsode (and Dear Badgie segment) conclude!
The sneppurrsode has a break toward the middle since it's a long one. Enjoy some howlyday cheer and thoughts on the community!
And last, but not least, Badgie confronts his fear of uwu.
Runtime: ~1:30:00
- Zef
Recurring Cast
Zef, Blayz, Blackpaws, BearX, TigerAcolyte, Stormdancer
New Awoos
CallistoWolf (returning), TherianofFour, Azi Mexywolf (write-in), "Bob" (write-in)
Howliday Submissions
Bubbles, Oakleaf, CanidonaLeash, Talarp, Jadeeyedwere, LycanTheory, Anarcho-Mutt, Stormdancer & TherianofFour (Duet)
Therian Territory
TherianWiki - Levels of Integration
Additional stuff
Questions for Dear Badgie? Suggestions for topics? Want to share some feedback? Wanna be a guest for a topic? Contact the WereAreWe crew at werearewepodcast@gmail.com

Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Sneppurrsode 15: Don‘t Let Your Gourd Down!
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
The critters get together for a slice-of-life sneppurrsode (too accurate, in some cases), and discusses ongoings like recent Renn Faire experiences and Howlyween. What's it like experiencing these things as therians?
We also discuss our future segment on dissociative therianthropy (NOT DID, alters, systems or the like) as we look for additional live interviews for our discussion on what dissociative experiences may be like - hoping to expand the narrative and understanding a bit.
And, rounding things out, we discuss a few creative projects (support your NaNoWriMo buds!), then introduce the Cheetah Chirps podcast and discuss the revival of the Therian Bedtime Stories podcast, hoping listeners will check those projects out and offer support as well!
- OW
Cheetah Chirps
Therian Bedtime Story Podcast
Pink Dolphin's "Integration" discussion with Azi and BearX
Additional stuff
Questions for Dear Badgie? Suggestions for topics? Want to share some feedback? Contact the WereAreWe crew at werearewepodcast@gmail.com

Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Sneppurrsode 14: A Howl of a Good Time
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Zef, BlueWolf and TigerAcolyte interview several VA Howl 2021 attendees live, in purrson!
Hear what various members of the community - online AND offline - have to share about their thoughts going into the Howl, experiences during the Howl, and reflections as the Howl started to wrap up!
The crew offers their own personal reflections of the experience, then Blayz gives a nudge to Canadian therians to start working on coordinating a Howl up thar thataway!
As a special bonus, we offer a Dear Badgie segment that seems to have actually broken Stormdancer. Bwahaha!
- OW
Interviewees/ contact information (in list of appearance in episode)
Discord ID TK#7943
Strydecorts@gmail.com Discord: Strydes#2989
"kitfallen" on various therian/otherkin forums
Discord: Callisto#0667 Twitter: @Callistowolf
Discord- obreeon#2279 Telegram- @sassymanedwolf
Additional stuff
Questions for Dear Badgie? Suggestions for topics? Want to share some feedback? Contact the WereAreWe crew at werearewepodcast@gmail.com
If you'd like to reach out to Blayz directly regarding possible coordination for a Howl in Canada, feel free to reach out on Discord at: