A podcast for the therian community by members of the therian community. Discussions range from navigating everyday life, therianthropy through spiritual and psychological lenses, experiences and impacts of therianthropy on an individual’s life, really horrible puns and word play, community news and events, and more! Contact the crew at WereAreWePodcast@gmail.com, and if you’d like to support us on Patreon, check us out at https://www.patreon.com/WereAreWe

Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Village (Chuffcore)
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Two brave tigers sing the unsung song of their people and explore the nuances of legend, parallel dimensions and unpaid twilight AWOO fines oft neglected in mainstream narrative storytelling.
A purrody of the "Hidden Village" theme from Twilight Princess from the Legend of Zelda series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgnKbFSySfk
Lyrics: TigerAcolyte, Zefer Nezumi
Boingaboing instrumental: ZN
Flute Kazoo emulation: TA
Artwork: Oakleaf
Happy Sketchtember, Therian community! Remember to do fun, derpy stuff with your friends! ^^

Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Sneppurrsode 13 - UnlickyThirteen
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Striped Coyote, Blayz, BluwuWolf, StormDancer (the coffee table of murder) and TigerAcolyte decide to abandon structure and have sort of a hangout session.
Blayz discusses his recent walkabout experience, the crew reflects on the healing and grounding that comes with connecting with nature, and the crew discusses the upcoming VA Howl while sharing details about next year's CO Howl.
The crew then delves into the Sketchtember community effort (and creativity in general) before discussing the importance of the FurScience 2021 survey and prior efforts.
The session closes up with a secret project from TA and Zef (disclaimer: we refuse to be held responsible for the resulting ear murder) and, as always, questionable life advice in our Dear Badgie segment.
Questions for Dear Badgie? Suggestions for topics? Want to share some feedback? Contact the WereAreWe crew at werearewepodcast@gmail.com or were-ever you spot (stripe?) any of us!
Interested in the 2022 CO Howl? You can also reach Stormy directly at tstormdancer@gmail.com.
Recurring cast: Blayz, Zef, TigerAcolyte, Bluewolf, Stormdancer.
Links discussed in the episode:
FurScience studies:
Using coffee to make runes:

Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Sneppurrsode 12: Therianthropy Through Time... Time... Time...
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
The WereAreWe crew is joined by WolfVanZandt for some general nonsense and meowlarky because, let's face it... it's kinda what you guys expect at this point.
The crew catches up on life things for a bit, briefly discuss PinkDolphin's recent interview video on "The Grey Agenda", Stormy and Zef give details for upcoming Howls, then the crew introduces WVZ and talks about the Therian Timeline!
After that, Blayz introduces our "Therianthropy Through Time... Time... Time..." segment and shares thoughts with WVZ and the rest of the crew pertaining to therianthropy as it may have been experienced in the earlier phases of human history.
(Phew, we kinda cover a lot this time!)
Stormy makes us need a lawyer again in the Dear Badgie segment and... tl;dr, we're purrobably canceled again.
Questions for Dear Badgie? Suggestions for topics? Want to share some feedback? Contact the WereAreWe crew at werearewepodcast@gmail.com or were-ever you spot (stripe?) any of us!
Interested in the 2022 CO Howl? You can also reach Stormy directly at tstormdancer@gmail.com.
Recurring cast: Blayz, Zef, TigerAcolyte, BlackPaws, Bluewolf, Stormdancer, BearX.
New awoos: WolfVanZandt returns with proper introduction.
Sneppurrsode Links:
The Therian Timeline
PinkDolphin's Therian Interviews Episode 7: "The Gray Agenda" ft. WolfVanZandt, Allen, TigerAcolyte and Blackpaws

Thursday May 27, 2021
Sneppurrsode 11 - Therian Parenting: Who's Your Dadgie?!
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
The WereAreWe crew tackles the subject of parenting from a therian purrspective.
What are some parenting difficulties a therian may face? Is it ever a good idea to tell your kids you're a therian? What are ways of balancing therian and parent experiences? These topics, and more, from a variety of adult purrspectives!
Blayz steps in as OrangeWolf, Zef is playing hookey (or maybe he was kitten-napped?), and Dear Badgie provides solid advice for working adults whose brains confuse "Zoom Meetings" with "ZOOMIES!"
Recurring cast: BlayzicOrange Wolf, PunkinSpiceOrange Wolf, Tiger Acolyte, BlackPaws, Bluewolf, Stormdancer, BearX.
New awoos: Sen/ "Rainseeker" returns, IronPaws and WolfVanZandt
Questions for Dear Badgie? Suggestions for topics? Want to share your own story? Contact the WereAreWe crew at werearewepodcast@gmail.com or were-ever you spot (stripe?) any of us!

Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Sneppurrsode 10 - Awereness of Awakenings
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
The WereAreWe crew discusses a common topic for therians - "Awakenings"! Thanks to the suggestion from Scorpion at WereList!
Each of the crew members tells about what their own personal awakening process was like, in hopes of clearing up misconceptions and helping others have a less confusing time with their own self-exploration.
Blayz introduces a new member to the crew, as well as a new segment which we'll dive into next time (parenting and therianthropy).
And, of course, we make DearBadgie cry a little.
Recurring cast: Orange Wolf, Blayz, Tiger Acolyte, BlackPaws, not Bluewolf (he was playing hookey), Stormdancer and BearX.
New awoos: Sen/ "Rainseeker"
Links discussed in the episode:
The Therian.org website discussion (TG link here, discussions also on WereList)
The WereList's "Opening the Articles Section"
Other links to check out:
https://therianbedtimestories.podbean.com/ (Check their first recording out and give them some love!)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc2vMTkzsto (OK, so any of TherianTerritory's stuff - but I got a good laugh out of this vid!)
Questions for Dear Badgie? Suggestions for topics? Want to share your own story? Contact the WereAreWe crew at werearewepodcast@gmail.com or were-ever you spot (stripe?) one of us!

Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Sneppurrsode 9 - Breaking Grrrround!
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
This one's a long one, folks! But chock full of a buncha good stuff, we purromise! (Blayz says you can fast forward through the book segment if you get bored, though! Haha!)
A brief statement from the WAW crew about the state of things, then we break into a new segment to discuss therian media cast members are enjoying. This leads into a serious Dear Badgie submission from ArcaneCanine (Anarcho-Mutt), which the whole crew chimes in on.
Blayz introduces a second new segment (the title of the snep wasn't a lie!) and we dig a bit deeper into therianthropy through time. We're setting the stage for future discussions and hope this will give some food for thought!
And, of course, on Dear Badgie, Stormy answers the impurrtant life questions.
~1 hour 10 minutes, so feel free to take this one in chunks.
E-mail werearewepodcast@gmail.com with recommendations for media you think other therians may enjoy, for help promoting community efforts, for feedback, and more!
Thanks for the listen, and we hope this sneppurrsode offers something helpful to our listeners. ^^
- Zef

Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Sneppursode 8 - Cosmic 2x4 Chaotic Coyote Carnage
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
The WereAreWe crew welcomes Coyote, Darkmoon and Traveller to the show as coyote antics ensue, while Zef purrtends he can do music stuff in the background.
Various members of the early community discuss the story(ies?) of the Cosmic 2x4(s?), offer insights to some of the crazy antics of the first Howls, and more!
Blayz introduces a new podcast segment and the badger follows up with life advice that necessitates a legal disclaimer from BearX.
- ZN
Runtime: ~49 minutes

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Sneppurrsode 7 - Happy Howlydays!
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
The WereAreWe crew meets to wish the therian community a happy howlyday season and to offer warm season's greetings!
BearX, Blackpaws, Bluewolf, Blayz, OrangeStripedCoyote, Stormdancer and TigerAcolyte share sentiments, reflections on the season, positive outlooks, and a few dad jokes.
This episode features audio submissions from therians from all parts of the community, so listen in for some familiar critters!
E-mail: WereAreWePodcast@gmail.com
Runtime: ~28 minutes

Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Sneppurrsode 6: Were Still Here!
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
It's been a while but we Were are back!
This time, we give a proper intro to BearX and Blackpaws (who aren't actually wolves, maybe purrobably) and bring TigerAcolyte and Blayz (who might be wolves - they're kinda sus!) into the mix before discussing community purrojects, what we're thankful for, and howl we're holding up in the pandemic.
Links discussed in this sneppurrsode:
PinkDolphin's 2019 "Therianthropy Day" video : https://youtu.be/1tMY5yubqJw
PinkDolphin's interview with BearX and Azi_Mexywolf : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KPy1dgdKUU
TigerAcolyte's "Unity Project" (link is at Therian-Guide but should be accessible by people without an account there) : https://forums.therian-guide.com/Thread-Creative-Unity-Project--11622
TG Links
"The Expedition" creative writing purroject: https://forums.therian-guide.com/Thread-The-Expedition-Chapter-1
Sketchtember 2020 contributions: https://forums.therian-guide.com/Thread-Sketchtember-2020-Ready-Steady
Blayz' NaNoWriMo 2020 purroject: https://forums.therian-guide.com/Thread-Sneak-peek-NaNoWriMo-2020-project-Kamen-Korovin
PinkDolphin's 2020 "Therianthropy Day" video project (sorry for promoting this late!) : https://forums.therian-guide.com/Thread-CONTRIBUTE-Therianthropy-Day-Video-2020

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Sneppurrsode 5: Gear...ituality?
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Join Orange Wolf, BlueWolf, WolfX, WolfPaws and WolfDancer as they dig deeper into some topics related to spirituality, therianthropy, and gear. What are things you should consider with pelts, fursuits, or other kinds of critter-related gear or items?
Orange Wolf forgets to let people know who WolfX (BearX) and WolfPaws (BlackPaws) really are. Whoops!
The crew makes it clear that they've banned Zef, so no worries! DearBadgie also answers purrobably the most important question ever asked about therianthropy.
Have fun!
- OW